Another day

4 maart 2016 - Asunción, Paraguay

Today has had a beautiful start. I woke up, went to the veranda and the weather was fantastic. Perfect temperature with a happy wind through the branches of the mango trees...

Also, yesterday for the first time I actually tided up my room and emptied my suitcase after almost a month being here. After all this time it felt like the right moment, so it probably was.

In the afternoon I had a skype meeting with some of the expert of the salinization project, a meeting that has been postponed for about 2 weeks, letting me nailed into the office with little to do. So finally we are almost ready to go to do the fieldwork for my research and I am less dependent on the agenda of people spread allover the world.

Today there has been something called 'Baby Shower' at Guyra, i guess is something imported from the US. Gladys is expecting little Leonardo Rafael to come out soon and that was a good reason to cheer together, with the people present at the office in the day. 

Guyra is a nice place to work, people are friendly and there is quite a group of people around my age (although it is my destiny to always be the youngest) with which we hang out from time to time, like tonight for example. The vibe at the office is normally very relaxed, be it the being surrounded by green and trees or be it the nice people, once you have something to work on it is good to be there.

1 Reactie

  1. Guus Mulder:
    4 maart 2016
    Hello Linda,

    nice being posted by you regularly; this way we get to know a bit what ou are doing.. maybe when you have time we can skype? sunday would be nice

    have fun and we keep in touch